Thursday, September 3, 2020

Business Requirements Analysis Healthcare Systems

Question: Talk about the Business Requirements Analysis for Healthcare Systems. Answer: Situational Analysis The utilization of the situational examination is insignificant to characterize the ventures having outer and the interior elements which produce colossal effect on the task. In mirrors the ideal dangers just as the open doors on the venture and in addition, it is vital for any of the organizations to comprehend the possible dangers on the execution of the task. There are sure essential components of a situational investigation, which are systems, openings and the backhanded dangers, the accomplishment of the concerned direct dangers, natural characteristics, and the central targets. It comprises of the outer just as the inner condition in which the concerned organization executes its business forms (Anderson, 2015). The ABCall4Help will be created so as to improve the offices and the administrations gave to the concerned patients. The application will help in giving the geo-area subtleties of the separate patient and will require the assist will with being gone to by the human servi ces experts. Also, it will assist the patients with getting the assistance from the human services experts critically as required by them and in this way it gets significant to recognize the outer and the inner condition before the starting of the application. Thinking about the whole outside condition, the advancement of this application will help in drawing out the ideal positive results for the patients alongside the whole medical clinic. In addition, there are sure different variables which should be seen, they are financial profile, wellbeing status of residents in that specific state or region, accessibility of the ideal wellbeing administrations, the administration framework giving the wellbeing administrations and the other clinical offices in that specific region and the strategies of the ideological groups for the turn of events and government assistance of the individuals (An Application of Restricted Open Queueing Networks to Healthcare Systems, 2016). So as to as it the patients as required by them, it is significant to gather the necessary data identified with the wellbeing condition, area and different subtleties and this application will help in gathering these reports and will offer total consideration to the individual patient. SWOT Table Qualities Shortcomings The application offers total data sharing offices for the patient It offers operational effectiveness Gives dependable crisis administrations to the patients Synchronized the gathered information of patients incorporating the geo-area with the information examination programming The UI of the product isn't dependable for the utilization Not easy to use for the patients Event of blunders at times Indistinct vision of the emergency clinic staff with respect to the application Dangers Openings Uninterested diverse programming merchants for engaging with the product Passageway of the other clinical virtual products by different medical clinics Protection worry of the information gathered by the patient Event of blunders in application while working Potential for altering and customizing pharmaceutical items Marking of the clinic before the patients Improving the development of the Hospital by conveying best nature of administrations Improvement in other clinical offices gives to the concerned patients It is basic for the social insurance experts to comprehend the ideal and the real needs of the individual patients' as this will help in serving the most ideal administrations to them. The structuring of the product should be in such a manner in this way, that total offices ought to be offered as to make the patient fix of the malady experiencing. Besides, the clinical staff and the separate medicinal services experts need to comprehend the ideal elements of the application as to cause the patient to comprehend with respect to it. Procedures The advancement of the correspondence between the patients and the clinical staff including the social insurance callings is vital as this will help in giving the ideal human services administrations to the entirety of the patients concerned. The supervisory crew alongside the senior clinical staff needs to figure powerful techniques so as to run the application effectively as to give the clinical administrations to the destitute patients. Considering the S-O procedures, the application offers wide scope of offices for the patients and besides it helps in upgrading the brand picture of the emergency clinic and thusly the system would to improve its unwavering quality for the clients to give a one of a kind and quick experience. The S-O methodologies will help in improving the brand notoriety of the medical clinic and will build the quality of the firm. There are probably the most pivotal procedures which ought to be followed so as to give the ideal upper hand to the separate Hospital. In the first place, is make the application dependable and benevolent UI for the simplicity of the concerned patients. Programming up degree ought to be effectively accessible if there should arise an occurrence of including of the new element to the separate application (Demir et al., 2015). Second, is cause the expert to comprehend with respect to the working of the application and to check that there do no exists any of the specialized mistakes while working the application. The essential point of behind the improvement of the application is to make the social insurance offices effectively ready to h patients by passing on the message to the particular clinical staff inside the Hospital (Enhancement of medicinal services results utilizing large information investigation, 2016). The patients should be helped with respect to the effectively working of the application as to take the clinical assistance and offices. The third technique will be to improve the correspondence framework as correspondence framework between the patients and the social insurance experts including the clinical staff requires being of top level as this will help in giving the ideal data in regards to the wellbeing condition and the geo-area of the concerned patients. The fourth technique ought to be the transmission of the information of the patient to the information examination programming ought to keep up the security concerns (Latest in optometry: cerebral pain connect exposed; iPads open up the new vista, 2012). Visit checks are significant with respect to the working of the application varying. Suggestions The information transmission framework should be upgraded so as to give sufficient nature of the administrations to the patients. The physical strength of the patients is viewed as the top most need for the Hospital. Official Summary The social insurance experts are occupied with conveying the most ideal clinical administrations to the concerned patients. In lieu of this, it has gotten generally imperative to comprehend the necessities of the patients and offer clinical types of assistance as quickly as time permits so as to improve their wellbeing conditions. The correspondence framework between the patients and the clinic staff should be of top most prevalence as over offer the crisis administrations and other clinical administrations to the patients when required. This examination show up mirrors the improvement of the cell phone application, referred to as ABCall4Help as to offer dependable clinical types of assistance to all the patients varying. This application is being grown so the patients can without much of a stretch call for help for clinical treatment. The application will be associated with the clinicians and the groups of the patients also in regards to the clinical assistance required by the patie nt. This is intended to take a shot at the most recent cell phones and the tablets inside the market sections (Latest exploration mollifies IUD pelvic sickness dread, 2012). The essential thought process behind the advancement of this specific portable application is to offer unrivaled clinical types of assistance to the patients so as to improve their wellbeing condition (Missonier and Loufrani-Fedida, 2014). The partner of the whole association assumes the most essential job and consequently their perspective should be considered as this will help in improving the administrations gave by the medical clinic to the concerned patients. Additionally, the application will help in giving data, for example, name, ID, photographs, the necessary administrations and numerous different things. These are required as to dissect the ideal status and state of the patients wellbeing condition (O'Donovan, 2014). The records of the patient will at that point be examined with the assistance of the i nformation investigation programming comprising of the different reports and protection concerns are considered for the patient. This paper will likewise feature the job and the significance of the partner inside an association. the dangers and the shortcomings of the application should be recognized and compelling systems ought to be planned so as to upgrade the adequacy and the effectiveness of the application as to give the better nature of clinical administrations to the individuals concerned. Partner Analysis The partners have the most critical impact in making the progress for the whole firm. This examination comprises of the individuals who are related with the firm and the firm as they had the ideal effect of the turn of events and the execution of the versatile application for the advancement of the business reason. The dangers and the ideal open doors should be considered during the investigation as this will help in acknowledgment of the holes and will give the ideal stage to upgrade the whole business method of the Hospital in conveying the clinical administrations to the patients. For the improvement of the compelling procedures with respect to the starting of the versatile application comprising of a few highlights, it gets apparent to take the assistance of the partners in upgrading the dependability of the concerned application (Rixon, 2010). There are sure inquiries which will help in finishing the stakeholde

Saturday, August 22, 2020

SAT Math - PrepScholar 2016 Students Encyclopedia

SAT Math - PrepScholar 2016 Students' Encyclopedia SAT/ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips The Mathematics area of the SAT requests that understudies take care of issues with pre-variable based math, polynomial math, geometry, likelihood, and information examination from diagrams and graphs.The SAT doesn't testadvanced math like trigonometry, pre-analytics, or math. Understudies who have taken ahigh school level polynomial math class and geometry class likelyhave adequate nature with the testedconcepts to sit for the SAT.Those who have less commonality withthese ideas in their general training will likelybenefit from self-instructing with SAT arrangement materials. Note: this article is an arrangement in the PrepScholar2016 Students' Encyclopedia, a free understudies' and guardians' SAT/ACT direct that gives exhaustive information. Peruse all the articles here! While the SAT Mathematics segment doesn't test propelled ideas or require complex figurings, it provokes understudies to apply rationale and critical thinking aptitudes under severe time limits. SAT mathquestions may not take after commonplace study hall math issues, and they point out forcareful perusing and detail. Questions frequently requiremultiple steps to understand, just as the joined applicationof ideas from different fields. SAT readiness has been appeared to prompt score upgrades in the math segment, as it gives understudies knowledge into SAT question types and the testing of generally essential numerical ideas in non-conventional ways. As opposed to one long segment, SAT Mathematics is partitioned intothree segments. Two of these sectionsare 25minutes long and one is 20minutes. Through and through, the Mathematics area indicates atotal of 70 minutes. The quantity of scored Mathematics inquiries on the SAT stays steady across tests at 54 inquiries. Since each SAT has a plain exploratory area, understudies may experience an extra 25-minute math segment. If so, at that point that exploratory area won't be figured into theoverall Mathematics score. Of these 54 inquiries, 44 are numerous decision and 10 are understudy delivered, usually known as matrix in questions. Understudies answer the various decision inquiries by filling in the relating decisions on their answer sheet. Understudy created reactions are written in an extraordinarily designatedsection at the base of the appropriate response sheet. These frameworks have spaces for up to four digits, alongside the alternative of including a decimal point or portion bar. Not at all like for numerous decision questions, there are no point findings for mistaken reactions to lattice in questions. The above directions for addressing network in questions show up on the SAT answer sheet. Other than keeping up the quantity of arithmetic inquiries on each test at 54, the SAT additionally stays steady in the arrangement of each segment. One 25-minute area consistently has 20 numerous decision questions. The other 25-minute segment has 8 numerous decision and 10 network ins. At long last, the brief segment comes back to various decision with 16 inquiries. Onestrategic way to deal with the Mathematics segment includes the request for trouble of the inquiries. Typicallyquestions in the mathsections get continuously harder, moving from simple to medium to troublesome. Since all inquiries have equivalent scoring weight paying little mind to trouble level, understudies may profit by concentrating on the simple and medium inquiries that they have a more prominent probability ofanswering accurately. Studentsmayalso be vital aboutthe number of seconds they spend responding to each question,prioritizing inquiries from which they have the best possibility of gaining focuses. Top scorers by and large leave themselves a bigger extent of time to devote todifficult questions. Contingent upon eachtest's evaluating bend, understudies are permitted just one, assuming any, mistaken responses to accomplish a full score of 800. The Mathematics addresses spread four fundamental regions of substance: numbers and tasks, variable based math and capacities, geometry and estimation, and information examination, measurements, and likelihood. As indicated by the test engineer College Board, most of inquiries spread polynomial math or geometry. Number and tasks are tried by 11 to 13 inquiries. Polynomial math and capacities are tried by 19 to 21 inquiries. Geometry and estimation are tried by 14 to 16 inquiries. Information investigation, satistics, and likelihood are tried by 6 to 7 inquiries. School Board further separates every one of these territories of substance into subtopics. Following each rundown of subtopics is a case of an official SAT test question. Number and Operations Number-crunching word issues (counting percent, proportion, and extent) Properties of whole numbers (even, odd, prime numbers, detachability, etc) Discerning (numbers that be composed as a proportion) Sets (association, crossing point, components) Checking procedures Arrangements and arrangement (counting exponential development) Basic number hypothesis (utilizing number-crunching, geometry, or polynomial math to tackle conditions with whole number or balanced arrangements) Test SAT Question Variable based math and Functions Replacement and disentangling logarithmic articulations Properties of types Arithmetical word issues Arrangements of straight conditions and imbalances Frameworks of conditions and disparities Quadratic conditions Conditions of lines Supreme worth Immediate and reverse variety Ideas of arithmetical capacities Test SAT Question Geometry and Measurement Zone and edge of a polygon Zone and circuit of a circle Volume of a case, block, and chamber Pythagorean hypothesis and exceptional properties of isosceles, symmetrical, and right triangles Properties of equal and opposite lines Arrange geometry Incline Likeness Changes Test SAT Question Information Analysis, Statistics, and Probability Information translation (tables and diagrams) Expressive insights (mean, middle, and mode) Likelihood Test SAT Question Every Mathematics segment on the SAT beginswith an assortment of realities, figures, and equations for understudies to counsel as reference. This reference sheet incorporates properties of uncommon right triangles, the recipes for discovering territory, volume, and boundary, and the proportion of degrees around and a triangle. While this data is open during the test, understudies are probably going to perform better byentering the test with a working information ofthese realities and recipes. Understudies get the above realities, equations, and figures toward the start of each SAT math area. Understudies may utilize adding machines on the Mathematics area, however most inquiries can be fathomed without the utilization of a mini-computer. Most charting number crunchers, every single logical mini-computer, and each of the four capacity mini-computers are permitted. Phones, tablets, individual coordinators, and mini-computers with QWERTY consoles are carefully prohibited.The utilization of inadmissible innovation may bring about excusal from the testing room and score dropping. Understudies who have commonality with their adding machine, particularly from withintheirmath study halls, tend toderive more noteworthy profit by its utilization. Working out conditions and figurings in the test booklet is additionally enthusiastically suggested for taking care of issues inthe Mathematics area. Peruse more from the SAT Encyclopedia! Further Reading The 21 Critical Math Formulas You MUST Know Instructions to Stop Running Out of Time on SAT Math Adding machines on the SAT: Tips from Experts

Friday, August 21, 2020

Of Mice and Men Quotes

Of Mice and Men Quotes The accompanying Of Mice and Men cites speak to the absolute most noteworthy components of the novel, including the topics of nature, quality, and dreams. Furthermore, Steinbecks utilization of vernacular language and everyday tongues is clear in a large number of these sections. A couple of miles south of Soledad, the Salinas River drops in near the slope bank and runs profound and green. The water is warm as well, for it has slipped twinkling over the yellow sands in the daylight before arriving at the limited pool. On one side of the waterway the brilliant lower region inclines bend up to the solid and rough Gabilan Mountains, yet on the valley side the water is fixed with trees-willows new and green with each spring, conveying in their lower leaf points the flotsam and jetsam of the winter’s flooding; and sycamores with mottled, white, prostrate appendages and branches that curve over the pool. This section, which fills in as the books opener, sets up from the earliest starting point the significance of land and nature to the content explicitly, a romanticized variant of nature. The waterway runs â€Å"deep and green,† the water is â€Å"warm,† the sands are â€Å"yellow†¦in the sunlight,† the lower regions â€Å"golden,† the mountains â€Å"strong,† and the willows â€Å"fresh and green. Every descriptor is certain and solid. Taken together, these depictions make a romanticized picture of the common world. The section proposes that the common world is epic and amazing, the creatures and plants living happily and calmly as indicated by their normal rhythms, traveling every which way however they see fit, by man’s damaging hand. â€Å"There is a way through the willows and among the sycamores, a way pounded hard by young men originating from the farms to swim in the profound pool, and beaten hard by tramps who come tediously down from the expressway at night to wilderness up close to water. Before the low flat appendage of a goliath sycamore there is a debris heap made by numerous flames; the appendage is worn smooth by men who have sat on it.† Immaculate, that is, until the start of the subsequent passage, when into this scene come â€Å"boys,† and â€Å"tramps,† who unleash all way of ruin on this regular scene. The way through the willows before long turns into a â€Å"path beaten hard as the men abuse it, destroying it of its legitimate delicacy. There is a â€Å"ash heap by numerous fires,† which recommends more mischief to the scene, both in that it infers the zone is all around voyaged, just as in light of the fact that flames are harming to the ground whereupon they consume. Additionally, these successive visits have â€Å"worn smooth† a tree appendage that the men have utilized as a seat, disfiguring it. This passage presents the uncomfortable parity, key to the novel, between an admired rendition of the normal world and the real form where individuals live at the end of the day, the universe of mice and the universe of men. The more the universe of men attempts to achieve or have the universe of mice, the more they hurt it, and therefore the more they lose it. â€Å"That mouse ain’t new, Lennie; what's more, you’ve broke it pettin’ it. You get another mouse that’s new and I’ll let you keep it a little while.† This announcement, made by George to Lennie, uncovers Lennie’s delicate nature, just as his powerlessness to keep his physical force from bringing obliteration upon those littler than him. All through the novel, Lennie is frequently observed petting delicate items, running from a mouse to a bunny to a womans hair. In this specific entry, nothing of result happens to Lennies activities he is just contacting a dead mouse. Be that as it may, the second anticipates another scene: later in the novel, Lennie endeavors to stroke Curleys wifes hair and unintentionally breaks her neck all the while. Lennies unintended yet inescapable demonstrations of pulverization fill in as an allegory for humanitys damaging nature. Regardless of our best laid plans, the novel recommends, people can't resist the opportunity to abandon a ruinous wake. I seen many men stop by out and about an’ on the farms, with their bindles on their back an’ that equivalent damn thing in their minds. Hunderds of them. They come, and’ they quit an’ go on; an’ each damn one of ‘em’s got a little real estate parcel in his mind. An’ never a God damn one of ‘em ever gets it. Much the same as paradise. Ever’body needs a little bit of lan’ I read a lot of books over here. No one never gets to paradise, and no one gets no land. It’s just in their mind. They’re all the time talkin’ about it, yet it’s just’ in their head.† In this discourse, a farmhand named Crooks rejects Lennie’s idea that he and George will one day purchase a land parcel and live off of it. Law breakers asserts that he has heard numerous individuals make these kind of cases previously, however that none of them have ever happened as intended; rather, he says, â€Å"it’s just in their head.† This announcement typifies Crooks’ (legitimized) wariness about George and Lennie’s plan, just as a more profound uncertainty about anyones capacity to accomplish whatever romanticized haven they have imagined for themselves. As indicated by Crooks, â€Å"[n]obody never gets to paradise, and no one gets no land. Regardless of whether the fantasy is endless otherworldly salvation, or only a couple of sections of land to call your own, it's not possible for anyone to really accomplish it.â â ‘We’ll have a cow,’ said George. ‘An’ we’ll have perhaps a pig an’ chickens†¦an’ down the level we’ll have a†¦little piece horse feed ‘For the rabbits,’ Lennie shouted.‘For the rabbits,’ George repeated.‘And I get the chance to tend the rabbits.’‘An’ you get the opportunity to tend the rabbits.’Lennie chuckled with bliss. â€Å"An’ live on the fatta the lan’.’ This trade among George and Lennie happens toward the finish of the novel. In it, the two characters depict for one another the ranch they plan to live on one day. They intend to have hares, pigs, dairy animals, chickens, and horse feed, none of which they at present approach on the grain ranch. The fantasy about having their own homestead is an abstain to which the pair regularly returns all through the book. Lennie appears to accept the fantasy is reasonable, regardless of whether at present far off, yet for a large portion of the book, it is indistinct whether George shares that conviction or just thinks of it as an inactive dream that causes him get past the day. When this scene happens, in any case, George is planning to slaughter Lennie, and he plainly realizes the homestead dream will never become reality. Strangely, despite the fact that they have had this discussion previously, possibly now does George consent when Lennie inquires as to whether they can have bunnies a repetitive image all through the book-on the ranch. Given that he is going to shoot Lennie, this juxtaposition infers that, for the characters Of Mice and Men, the more they plan to accomplish in reality, the further from it they should travel.

Friday, June 12, 2020

Gender Roles Resistance and Response in Thelma Louise - Free Essay Example

Ridley Scotts progressive 1991 road movie, Thelma Louise, shines an accusatory spotlight on female oppression. Regrettably not left behind in the 90s along with frosted blue eyeshadow, this maltreatment is unfortunately still very much present in todays society. By highlighting repressive gender roles and the lead characters ultimately futile efforts to resist them, the revolutionary film launched a nationwide conversation, and spurred a cult following of women feeling seen for the first time in their lives. The film opens with a subtle, but very symbolic shot. Set to haunting rock music, a black and white view of a valley pans to a dirt road leading directly to a majestic mountain on the horizon with wide-open skies. As the camera cranes up, the image transitions to full, vivid color. The shot freezes and then darkens over into black. This simple opening foreshadows everything that is to come: a bleak outset, a journey toward freedom, and the short-lived actualization of that wondrous freedom before it all comes crashing down to a devastating end. Without necessarily realizing it, the viewer already knows all theyll need to an attempt to break free will inevitably end in disaster. The audience is then introduced to Louise (Susan Sarandon) and Thelma (Geena Davis), and their respective lives of routine and domesticity. Louise works in a diner, subservient to an endless influx of customers. Thelma, who Louise teasingly refers to as little housewife, is stuck in a submissive role under a controlling husband. The spaces they inhabit are very telling. Louise wears a uniform and operates in a cramped, loud environment. All day long she offers choices to everyone else, while she herself has no choice in anything. Her surroundings reflect how she feels stifled by society, holding no control over her own life. Thelma is a mess living in mess. Her apartment is small, dark, and chaotic. Her hair isnt done, she isnt dressed, and theres a feeling of entrapment due to the cacophony of noise resulting from the TV playing, the phone ringing, and her yelling to get the attention of husband Darryl (Christopher McDonald). The clippings of dream kitchens she has hung on the wall show her yearning for a different life, a better life. Louises kitchen, on the other hand, is shown to be the total opposite of Thelmas with the sink housing only one dirty cup to be washed. The simple, spotless space feels cold with no sign of life or living. The women start out occupying pretty traditional gender roles for the movies early 1990s setting. The 80s had seen a real rise in acceptance toward women in the workplace the percentage of working women had reached 71% by 1985 (Guilder) but it hadnt yet become fully commonplace in the minds of all Americans. Chauvinistic Darryl stands as the perfect example of the resistance to the womens liberation movement. He cruelly belittles his wife by waving his title of regional manager over her, in a sense asserting she has no power (over him, or otherwise) because she doesnt hold a respect-worthy position in society. When Thelma hesitates to ask Darryl for permission to go on a girls trip, Louise sums up the troubling dynamic perfectly when she accusatorially asks Thelma if he is her husband or father. Darryl sees his wife as inferior rather than as an equal partner, and by so strongly enforcing his views, he keeps her from reaching to achieve her full potential. Less overt is Louises imprisonment in the gender framework, but its just as present. She goes through life with a hard outer shell, which we learn later on is a protective mechanism adopted in response to a traumatic experience from her past. She keeps walls up because every time she lets them down a little, she (or someone close to her) gets burned. On the phone with physically and emotionally absent boyfriend Jimmy (Michael Madsen), she asks if he loves her, and, sensing hesitation on the other end, immediately regrets opening herself up. Its better to be closed off and alone, than exposed and hurt. She chastises and blames herself for letting her guard down and having a little fun at the country bar instead of vigilantly protecting her vulnerable friend. The internalized guilt over Thelmas almost attack drives her actions for the remainder of the movie. Louise takes this burden of self-repression on herself because she feels thats the only way to survive in a world set up the way it is. No one messes with a strong-willed woman, so she stuffs her desires and emotions down to continue to portray and inhabit this cold exterior. The women decide to head out on the open road for a short retreat from their stifling realities, but it ends up leading them somewhere they could never have imagined. The road movie is a central American narrative structure revolving around freedom in which the characters physical journey is paralleled by a spiritual journey. As utilized in other iconic cult films such as Two-Lane Blacktop and Faster Pussycat! Kill! Kill!, the format can easily lend itself to a critique of American society. The open road is a space representative of unlimited potential, the exact opposite of the spaces Thelma and Louise occupied at home. As the women take to the road to physically run from their past lives, destructive significant others, and the law hot on their trail, they establish a metaphysical destination of freedom, and decide to follow the path wherever it may take them. In their in-depth book, Cult Cinema: An Introduction, Ernest Mathijs and Jamie Sexton dive into the theme of violence in cult films. They start generally by explaining that many cult films use instances of violence to oppose mainstream modes of representation. Diving deeper, they discuss how in classical Hollywood cult films, its typical to have violence associated with frontier liminality, or the characters inability to cross the frontier marking the edge of civilization. Unable to function in civilization or in wilderness, the frontier hero finds himself stuck in limbo. This conflict sets the stage for violence. Mathijs and Sexton go on to specify that adventures and westerns are the genres that most often lend themselves to this type of story, as their entire narratives exist in this frontier zone, where violence becomes a mode of existence rather than a functional tool (Violence). Thelma Louise fits perfectly into this explanation of violence in cult films, but the film goes one step further by adding gender into the mix. Our leading ladies made the choice to leave their lives of domesticity behind them, but find themselves stuck in limbo when they come face to face with the edge of civilization. In defending Thelma against Harlans rape attempt, Louise commits an irrevocable act, and the women are flung into a situation where theyre forced to come to their own defense against an unrelenting legal system. Even with a sympathetic detective leading the search for them, theres no lawful option they can take that wont strip them of their freedoms. Theyre victims of a world that holds women down, and, by choosing not to give in, are fighting back against the oppressive patriarchy. Theres no scene that better depicts frontier liminality than the iconic closer of Thelma Louise. The womens joint decision to commit suicide is in direct response to the limited set of choices they were faced with. Trapped and cornered, they pick the only path that would keep them in control of their own destiny. Since leaving their homes in Arkansas, they had experienced their first taste of freedom, and they werent going to give that up by surrendering to the system of oppression that had restrained them for so long. Driving off the cliff was the ultimate rejection of male domination, but its important to see the decision in context as but the conclusion in a series of acts of resistance. Throughout their journey, Thelma and Louise gradually shed their feminine image in a subversion of restrictive gender norms. Gone are the flowy, printed outfits and piles of accessories, as distressed tank tops and denim jeans become the new uniform for these accidental fugitives. Literally tossing the lipstick out of the car, the women trade makeup and curled hair for dirty faces and messy buns. Theyre no longer living their lives for anyone but themselves, and their outward metamorphosis is reflective of this shift. In a cool reversal, Thelma, once a prisoner in her home, becomes the cause for Darryls turn at feeling powerless in his own space. The FBI moves in and converts his house into the base of operations in the search for his wanted wife, and he finally feels what its like to have no control. His football game is out-voted and all he can do is sulk in the corner. On the phone, Thelma calls him out and puts him in his place as her husband, not father. Hes caught off guard when he realizes hes lost his hold over her now that she has asserted herself, and he reverts to blaming Louise for empowering (and therefore perverting) his once-subservient wife. On the contrary, Louise led the way for Thelma to take the reins back in her life, and this takedown of Darryl is just one more way in which they set themselves free of their past and took another step forward toward independence. In a strong push back against male oppression, the women take down two men who attempted to forcefully assert their dominance. Multiple times on the trip, they encounter a certain truck driver who doubles as the human embodiment of toxic masculinity. After ignoring him didnt work, they muster up their newfound boldness and confront him. They quickly and masterfully turn the dynamic around, transferring the feelings of vulnerability and helplessness onto him, before wrapping up the interaction by blowing up his oil tanker. When the friends get pulled over for speeding, instead of giving in to the lawman, they kick into survival mode and overpower him. The state trooper had started out stern and tough, but is reduced to a crying, shaking mess the moment Thelma pulls a gun on him. The women take his gun, ammo, and sunglasses as they lead him into his own trunk with words of advice to be sweet to his wife so she doesnt turn out like they did. By stripping a truck driver of his truck and a state trooper of his gun, they emasculated two men who never expected to have their dominance checked. Its a powerful thing for the female audience to see women pushing back against the men who once stood over them, in effect flipping the script and using these men to get to a place where they are no longer dependent on men. In a 2016 reunion interview in celebration of the films 25th anniversary, lead actresses Susan Sarandon and Geena Davis discussed the reaction at the time of the movies release. Neither of them had expected any sort of big return, so when the film was met with such an immediate and massive response, they were shocked. Davis incredulously exclaimed, We were on the cover of Time Magazine in, like, 5 seconds! (Davis). Pieces like the one in Time tried to dissect why the movie was making such a splash, but the answer was deceptively simple: the audience found the characters relatable. Thelma and Louise were two ordinary women dealing with the same problems all women go through, so it was exhilarating watching them respond in ways one could never get away with in real life. The movie is so much more than a female take on a buddy film; its a story of female empowerment operating on the rules of male-escapist fantasy (Cult Now). Thelma and Louise were the strong, liberated role models audie nces had long been waiting for. With such an encouraging reception, it seemed in all likelihood a shift toward gender equality in the entertainment industry would naturally follow. Its clear from recent headlines, however, that that never occurred. The film was able to start the conversation, but that wasnt enough to effect any real change in the straight, white, boys club of Hollywood. The women behind Thelma Louise took it upon themselves to step up and continue the work their movie began. Davis in particular was enlightened and inspired by the eye-opening reactions (Davis), and followed through by starting the Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media, which researches the gender depiction disparity present in media. With shocking statistics such as the ratio of male to female characters not changing at all since 1946 (Davis), shes putting up a challenge to those who feel the problem is solved and behind us. To continue pushing things in the right direction, she launched her own film festival that shines a spotlight on works from women and diverse creators. Sarandon came at the issue from a different angle when she stepped up as a leader in the recent Times Up movement, an initiative launched by hundreds of Hollywood women to advocate better workplace conditions and the end of sexual harassment (Nyren). She attended the 2018 Golden Globes with a Times Up activist to raise awareness for the cause, and, fittingly, that same night saw a Thelma Louise reunion as the two leads co-presented an award. Their appearance was met with roaring applause from the crowd, to which Davis sarcastically quipped, Susan, they love that we fixed everything! Sarandon responded, Um, yeah, I dont think we fixed quite everything actually before lauding the women of Hollywood for doing their part in the fight to stand up for women everywhere (76th Golden Globe Awards). Rounding out the trio of women at the center of Thelma Louise, Oscar Award-winning screenwriter of the film, Callie Khouri, has also expressed her disappointment with the current state of affairs for women in film. With studios systematically rejecting female-centric projects, Khouri made the transition over to TV, which she feels is a world in which you have a lot more freedom in terms of telling stories with women at the center (Tartaglione). The first television show she created was the highly successful musical drama series, Nashville, which just so happens to center around two strong female characters. Although it didnt necessarily shake up the industry in the way many had hoped it would, Thelma Louise has continued to remain relevant to todays culture in part due to its passionate fans. This continued excitement is a hallmark of cult blockbusters, as excessive investment [is] disproportionate tofilms status as throwaway products of popular culture (Cult Now). A kind of epochal film (Mainstream Cult Fans?), Thelma Louise is significant in that it provided an example that inspired so many women to see themselves as worthy of standing up for at a time when that wasnt the norm. The fact that it continues to provide this empowerment for women of the following generations now streaming the movie for the first time shows the mark of a powerful, timeless film. Thelma Louise is a movie that still feels fresh today, but in this case thats not such a good thing. Its disheartening that a depiction of women being forced into a life on the run as the only way they could experience some freedom isnt too far from realistic. The liberal film started the long overdue conversation on gender in equality, but its now on us to pick up the ball and run with it. Until the day women can freely experience full autonomy without major drawbacks, the movie remains a goal; as Louise so eloquently put it, we dont live in that kind of world (Khouri). Works Cited Cult Now. Cult Film as a Guide to Life: Fandom, Adaptation, and Identity, by I. Q. Hunter, Bloomsbury Academic, 2016. Davis, Geena and Susan Sarandon. Thelma Louise Reunion: Susan Sarandon Geena Davis On The Films Legacy. Entertainment Weekly. Entertainment Weekly. 1 May 2016. Digital. Guilder, George. Women in the Work Force. The Atlantic, Atlantic Media Company, 1 Sept. 1986, Khouri, Callie. Thelma Louise. MGM, 1991. Mainstream Cult Fans? Cult Cinema, by Ernest Mathijs and Jamie Sexton, Wiley, 2012, pp. 63â€Å"65. Nyren, Erin. Emma Stone, Meryl Streep, Laura Dern to Be Accompanied by Activists at Golden Globes. Variety, Variety, 8 Jan. 2018, Tartaglione, Nancy. Callie Khouri Talks Women In TV Vs Film, Nashville Deep City Project â€Å" NATPE. Deadline, Deadline, 18 Jan. 2017, Violence. Cult Cinema, by Ernest Mathijs and Jamie Sexton, Wiley, 2012, pp. 189â€Å"191. 76th Golden Globe Awards. The Hollywood Reporter, 2018, disparity-25-years-golden-globes-2018-1072764.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

International Trade And Foreign Investment - 1979 Words

1 The Interplay Between International Trade and Foreign Investment Trade and investment are highly connected that could be illustrated as two sides of the same coin. Companies conduct cross-border trade to supply their foreign investment, and they invest abroad to bolster their trade. Moreover, in the liberalisation era, while investors produce and consume both goods and services, an open trading system will provide a bright investment climate. Equally important, international trade and foreign investment have similar dominant actors through the presence of multinational enterprises. From a government perspective, when the government enacts policy, it is not purely designed for reaching trade or investment objectives, for example, in the case of subsidy program. In addition, the close connection of trade and investment is also reflected from the existing regulation that become more converged. Through its binding treaties, the WTO has applied many rules covering not only trade but also investment as reflected in the GATS and TRIMS Agreement. Besides, some preferential trade agreements, such as NAFTA and TPP have also separately regulated investment and investment arbitration. Contrarily, trade became integrated into investment treaties. Some existing BITs encompassing not only protection but also access or entry rights. Besides, they also forbid trade-related performance requirements, especially provision to require the use of local products and transferShow MoreRelatedInternational Trade and Foreign Direct Investment6262 Words   |  26 PagesChapter 2 International Trade and Foreign Direct Investment True/False Questions 1. The classical international trade theories are from the perspective of a country. True; Easy 2. Trade surplus refers to a situation where the value of imports is greater than the value of exports. False; Easy 3. 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Trade deficit refers to a situation where the valueRead MoreInternational Investment And Trade : Foreign Policy Goals And Consumer Safety1604 Words   |  7 PagesIn regards to international investment and trade, a government’s political proposals are deeply in conflict with its economic arguments (Heuet, 2015) despite both being implemented with the focal objective to improve a country’s market efficiency and competitiveness. Despite the concern and view that government intervention results in protecting the interests’ of producers at the expense of consumer interests, it is imperative to recognise that imposed trade barriers, such as tariffs, taxes and quotasRead MoreThe Foreign Exchange Rate On International Trade And Cross Country Investment Essay4627 Words   |  19 Pages1 Introduction The foreign exchange rate is the rate when domestic currency (for example, Chinese yuan) is used to exchange foreign currency (for example, us dollar). 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Many people believe that due to the international trade there are less jobs and lower wages for people. International trade is important to the America economy, and to the economy of the world as whole, because neither the United States nor any other country in the world has everything that its people need and want. Globalization and international trade, come with a brighter view of the international trade and it has positive impact on economic growth of the United StatesRead MoreComparison: International Business, International Transactions and International Trade1422 Words   |  6 PagesWhat are the similarities and differences between international business, International Transactions and International trade? (2 pages) 3.1 The similarity between international business, international transaction and international trade are described below. International trade is voluntary exchange of goods, services, assets, or money between residents of two countries. According to Alan M. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Project Energy Efficient Database Management Systems Essay

Abstract— Energy is a growing component of the operational cost for many data intensive deployments. A large number of efforts have been made in the field of energy efficient computing at various levels ranging from individual hardware components, system software and to applications. In this paper, I have described the concept of energy efficiency problem and recent techniques to design energy efficient database management systems. I have broadly classified recent research into three categories: hardware based, software based and cluster based database designs. Last section of paper includes a description of power models used for evaluation of energy efficiency solutions. Section 1 Introduction Data center industry supporting internet has become world s largest consumer of energy. In 2013, nearly three million computer rooms in US used enough energy to power all the households in New York for two years, equivalent to the annual output of 34 large coal fired power plants[1]. Direct monthly energy costs for data centers make up around 23% of the total amortized monthly operating costs [19]. This data revolution has led to an exponential growth in digital data making database management systems (DBMS) one of the major energy consumers in data centers. Enterprise server systems reportedly operated on over 9 zettabytes (1 zettabyte = 1021 bytes) of data in 2008 [2], with data volumes doubling every 12 to 18 months. Businesses such as Amazon and Wal-Mart heavily relyShow MoreRelatedGreen Computing Project Charter662 Words   |  3 PagesProject Title: Green Computing Project Charter Date of Authorization: April 30, 2012 Project Timeline: May 1, 2012 through December 1, 2012 Project Manager: Douglas Branson, 901-344-0979 x. 32, Summary Schedule: The Green Computing Project will follow a six month schedule. Components of the project have been divided into phases. Phase 1 Begins May 1: Examine all current computing processes for energy efficiency and identify areas for improvements. This includes ensuring regulatoryRead MoreIn This Technology Era, It Is Essential To Have A Web Presence1476 Words   |  6 Pagesfocusing on enhancing the web presence of a Solar Energy Company, not only the web but also the privacy of records, transaction security, and client information. For developing an e-commerce website, there are numerous technologies that need to be studied, which includes different architectural standards, client-side and server-side script programming and different programming languages, such as Microsoft technologies and Databases. 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The governance structure and roles are shown and discussed below. 7.1.1 Project Steering Committee A Project Steering Committee is the key body within the governance structure responsible for the strategic issues associated with the project, that are essential to ensuring the delivery of the project outputs and the attainment of project outcomes. The committee directs attention at the strategic level. The Project Steering responsibilitiesRead MoreMaclean Fogg Company Design Analysis963 Words   |  4 Pagesmanufacturing facilities, quality assurance methodologies, innovative product and process development techniques and with an annual sale of over $1 billion grown into a global enterprise. It is mainly comprised of 2 businesses i.e., Maclean Power Systems (MPS) and Maclean-Fogg Component Solutions (MFCS). With quality as main priority and with continuous improvement, safety and environmental consciousness as the primary values of the company, it had a great success. As the name suggests MPS is aRead MoreImplementing Multi Core Processors And Database Systems Essay1177 Words   |  5 Pagesintroduction of multi-core processors and database systems. Database management system (DBMS) is a collection of programs that enables you to store, modify, and retrieve information from the database. There are many different types of DBMS, ranging from small systems that run on personal computers to huge systems that run on mainframes. Database management system is necessary transaction processing and query processing. Today, the parallel database system can run on multi-core platforms. PresentedRead MoreRisk Management System ( Name Rms )1678 Words   |  7 Pages10. Risk Management 10.1 Name Risk Management System (Name RMS) Name Risk Management System (Name RMS) aims to effectively and efficiently manage and assess all the critical risks due to both external and internal factors with the suitable action plans on specific risks, which gives the least possible adverse effects to the customers and company. The holistic framework of the system includes 4 key steps: risk planning, risk assessment, risk handling and risk monitoring showed in FigureRead MoreApplications And Impacts On Hospitality Essay1596 Words   |  7 Pagestakes over complete asset management, hotel does not need to go through pain of buying or setting anything up, and only needs to subscribe to a cloud based hotel management system, and start using the system under expected instructions, like renting a car, completing paper work, crank the engine and drive off. So the cloud systems manage complete hardware, software, database. 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I have created the FedEx Outgoing Checks spreadsheet which is an extensive list of checks that have mailed out since September. This spreadsheet has been highly useful as it has served as a resource for the Research Team to easily track the shipment of checks to their awardees. I have proven to be efficient with

Marketing and Management Psychology †Free Samples For Students

Question: Discuss about the Marketing Management Psychology. Answer: Introduction Organization management has always been defined as the function of planning, organization , leading and managing resources with an overall aim to achieving the objectives and aims of an the organization. Business organizational performance entails the making of various decisions which have an impact on the organization. In an aim of achieving the set b, significant challenges have been identified; one of these is organizational resistance. In the last 3 decades, the concepts of power and resistance have surfaced in the organizations. In a broader view to examine these, it has been viewed to be the contest between the various stakeholders to compete for the available resources, which bear the resemblance of economic, political and symbolic views. Various theorists and mode list have come up with various studies to bring out the relationship between power management and organizational resistance. Numerous theories and methodologies have been drawn to explain these concepts in a more pr ecise manner, which include Unitarist, Humanistic, Marxist and Poststructuralist perspectivestrying to understand the resistance in organizations. Common trends in this perspective are efforts linking power and resistance to meaningful issues, identity and discourse of the affairs taking place. This essay will analyse into this perspectives in an elaborate manner to understand the resistance in organizations. In an attempt to analyse the concept of resistance it is important to understand the interplay between power and resistance in the organization, this concept has been shapely the approaches the organizations use. Power has remained to be the most used tool in the way organizations are managed, (Martinez et a., 2015). The nature of organizations have been deemed too powerful to the extent that they are able to manage the constraints in their disposal which bears dependence or control other organizations dependencies on them. Marxist approaches to power have focussed on the relation to the dominancy in class level in the exits sting capitalist societies. In a bid to sustain power , efforts have been made on the emergence of critical, Marxist influenced approaches on the organization. These approaches have been shaped to be sites of political competition on capital and labour avenues. This propositions are rooted in the foundation that capitalist institutionalism lies on the structural differences between allocation of value and the socialized entire of work production. The capitalist gesture to increase labour processes though work management are hence countered by attempts by the workers to resist these interactions with an aim of maintaining degree of autonomy and take charge of the labour process and procedures. Being able to take control of this path, means balancing power in the organization. In Marxs views of work under industrial capitalism has been taken as a coercive process which the surplus values is being extracted from the worker in the production line. With the observation of Marx, the worker in the industrial capitalism is essential disenfranchised through loss of touch with the product or service, limited utilization of labour and skills in the task and the privatization of the end means of the process and the decrease of the worker in terms of the labour quantity. In this scenario then organization history and management in the previous century has been attempting to merge the alienated worker to the capitalist work and the organization. Hence with this conflict is inevitable, thus being an inherent element, in the capitalist relation of the end means of process. However the problem of alienation is rarely mentioned, early decade management theorist were swift in realising the disconnect between the vision management and the production form and the facility vi ew of employees in the view of rational vision, (Blackledge, 2014). In Hawthorne studies, there exist a significant proof of worker resistance to the organization management to control; efforts at Hawthorne. The resistance portrayed in this context has been viewed by the researchers as having psychological precedence. Other studies have shown that labour conflicts are source of psychopathology with psychosis interplay. Much of the 20th century concepts in management have explicitly addressed issues related to power and resistance. Bravemans (1974), on the book Labour and Monopoly Capital came as a review for Marxim view in analyzing the capitalist labour protocols and work nature on Marx capitalist view and the resurfacing of the neo Marxist views. The Marxist view on the process of work is that it bears structural orientation and focuses on the dynamics of control and resistance in the organization. Labour process have been viewed as avenues of conflicts and the work place is the terrain where this interplay of power struggles takes place, with keen interests on the capital and labour. The Marxist view on the capitalist approach of work is that it attempts to minimise the opportunities for the staff to resists in the organization through progressively initiating more sophisticated regime of control. During the initial stages, simple control is required which entails personal relations between the owners and small number of employees. The Marxist view has based its approach in three major outlines with regard to organization management. He highlighted three propositions which include alienation, concern and resistance. Alienation often results in the loss of individual autonomy in a bigger organization. The key aspect to resistance is being viewed by Marxist as collective nature of processes, (Hyman, 1975). In a study by Fantasis, (1995) shows an example of how wild cat is found in process which requires more staff for keen coordination whereby it generates strong work groups. Resistance in the organizations take progressive fo rm, and effect of labour unions has been found to have an effect on the labour process. Of which the labour unions are subjected to structural need to focus negotiations with capitalists limits and not to question the limits, (Martin , 2007). In this case unions convey themselves as the possible and immediate alterative lay resistance. Workers have resorted to engage themselves the legal systems as a way of displaying their grievances in the work place, (Kelly, 2005). Whistle blowing has been found to play a key role in facilitation resistance in the work place. With great inspiration from Marxists views, Hodson, (2001) took distance from neo-Marxist views that observes only the conflict aspect in the employee relation, with workers efforts being drawn from to form basis of dignity at work. Argument by Hodson (2001,) is that the workers threat to dignity, van be created by the mismanagement and abuse, overwork, constraints and employee manipulation. The workers react to these by for ming resistance through exhibiting various behaviours that their intent to resist. Unitarist view in the organisation has been viewed as a unifying common process protocol, with key objective of providing success to organization. This perspective has given the view of the organization as one big team with extensive rich in loyalty principles. This has implied that there are no significant differences in the organizational employees across the different sections of the organization. The communication on goals the have been set in the organization are meant to bring unity of purposes. This has played an important role in making the employees in the organization to feel valued frothier presence and contribution. Employees at the bottom of the organization have a feeling of shared goals for the organization. The unitarists view is that the sectional interests of the employees are very important and are crucial for the success and profitability state of the organization. They view the different aspects of the state as an avenue to which to place their beliefs in , thus with this there is a common sense of believing on the common values which are in their natural interests , (Blyton et al., 2008). One of the main actors in unitarists perspective in organization is the communication channels which are not effective. The Unitarists view this as a component of dysfunctional value to the work towards the organization goals and visions. Rise of conflicts in the organizations are not inherent in and counterproductive in the organizations. Conflicts are viewed as opposite to their values and do not have structural significance and terms it as a frictional force which causes disharmony and conflicts of interest. The rise of trade unionists has also been viewed as potential factor in conflicts among the employees in the organization. It tend to bring as an external factor in which brings intrusion into the organization. Bothe concepts are viewed as factors which could bring resistance and they are unnecessary in the organization. They create misplaced priories for some of the staff towards the goals of the organizations, (Daphne, 2008). Conflict and resistance in the organization between the employee and management relationship can depended in that unitarist view is that they are un natural, unstructured and frictional. Resistance and conflict could occur when they feel that they have to ignore o on the factors which harm them. the unitarists view is that they can be seen as omnipotent where total unilateral control of organization in the integration al process and management of the employee-organization relationship. The concept of unitarist view is that they perceive employees as an important aspect and thus reduces the chances of occurrences of organization resistance. Unitary in management hence can be procured as a management tool which everybody in the organization is member with common goals and purposes, (Chandler , 2014). Unitarist view plays a central role in many organizations and cites across the different levels of employees and the management staff in view of working harmoniously and collaboratively, t his case minimising any occurrence of resistance of the organization. Thus with this view in unitary organization process, it views working relations in a mutual manner and excludes the ideology of trade unions as organization employees cannot provide a double allegiance to two organizations. Hence conflict brought about is seen as threat to resistance of the organizational agenda and achievement of goals. Humanistic approach to the organization concept has been based on the rejection on determinism of self and focus on positive growth rather than pathological influence. Psychodaymaic theories have a role to play in providing positive growth to the organization. Behaviour has always been beloved to mean objective means but the humanistic view considers the it yields conclusion that that individuals are not in a position to understand the significance of behaviour, assumption considered paradoxical and dangerous on the well being of a person. Humanistic view have been advanced d by personalities such as Rogers, whom they argue that behaviour meaning is generally personal and subjective in its own sense and that the idea it proposes is not scientific due to the subjective nature of the subjects. Carl Rogers proposition argues on the precepts of healthy development of a person and how individual person perceives their own well being. A healthy person tends to view things in a congruent ma nner because their own self are seen as self and view themselves as own self. However in the normal life , there is no perfect congruence of self and used parameters are using self assessments. This has been observed as an effect of resistance in the organizational framework, the employees sees themselves and feel they own their ideal self and their perceived status. The second concept of Carl Rogers view on humanistic approach is the set contribution of healthy growth. The process proposed is referred to patient cantered therapy, in which the task of a therapist is to provide warmness, empathy, openness and positive reward. In this view organizational behaviour is shaped by the constructs in which the organization shapes him,/her. If the right conditions are available in the organization the employees would respond positively, however when there are negative influencers and the environment is intolerable then the employees would initiate resistance and hence lower the output of work the normal running of affairs in the organization. Another personality whom has advance humanistic approach is Abraham Maslow, like Carl Rogers he has been credited as founder fathers of humanistic approach. He has applied psychological perspective of behaviours in general life in organizations and various fields. The hierarchy of needs concept has been the key concept of in human resource and organizational constructs. The theory proposes by Maslow regard the use of motivation as the key to the basic understanding of human behaviour. This has transformed to the theory of personality and has been used to describe the characteristics of growth in similar ways to Rodgers full functioning person. In the organization the presence of motivation ahs played important constructs foe use in achieving the goals and objectives set. For employees to respond positively in the organization there must be motivation to push them to strive more and yearn for more for many beneficial opportunities. Failure to provide theirs in the organization has bee n shown to reflect some form of resistance among the employees. The organization of organizational change and culture has been widely used, and it has shown higher level of development. An organization either higher level of moral growth in their ethical view and has lower ethical behaviour and develops the person/employee highly in the human organization mix. Concept of humanistic management has been viewed as management theory which is based on the ideology of human needs and value principles. Employees have been viewed not as a tool of economic value but as a game changer in the productivity lane and as individual or aspects with meaningful tasks. Failure to observe and guarantees this basic principles in the organizations yields precepts of resistance and reliance of negative force which counter acts that of the management as a way of rebellion exonerated. Hence with this view we can say that the humanistic perspective emphasizes on the importance of human attributes in maintaining performance. The employees participation will depend on the style that the organization has adopted; an all inclusive style promotes higher productivity which signifies higher performance index. Human behaviour has been tainted as the determining factor in assessing the success or failure of the organization. The ability of the leadership to incorporate a participatory model and enhance human relations can explicitly manage organization resistance. The effective control of people comes from the motivation rather than forceful approach to work which encourages resistance, (Arvidsson, 2006). The rightful application of resources and the application of effective management of resources and meeting his/het needs possible in job design have shown a positive effect on the environmental control and productivity. Meeting the needs of employees provides an opportunity for commitment and higher productivity. The active role played by the management in supporting the employees ahs show an effect in unlocking their potential, while retention of employees promotes production and progress of organizations. Failure to realise this facets in humanistic perspective, persuades sentiments of resistance among the employees in the organization. In the post structuralism ideal concepts of irony, cynics and parody among others have been viewed as discussed. In these concepts the reaches have the mandate to critically examine the ways in which the organization members can create the resistant spaces through enabling engagement and appropriate managerial interpretations and articulating the options in way in that dont confront the regime. A study by Ezzamel et al., (2001), has marked, being unreasonable wrongs a divergent tactic employed by workers in ways to resist organizational hierarchy attempts to re-engineer production processes. This approach has given workers in organizations to prevent management from encroaching on the their sense of autonomy. The reaction thus reacts with forms of resistance in as a means of guarding the sense of identity generated from the period of unplanned autonomy. Prasadd and Prassad, (2000), has expanded future this concept, through careful carelessness, as an indirect form resistance to the a dvancement of to technological application in the organization. Post structural concepts have been applied in the work environment resistance as an obstructive practice that requires a complex and social attempt to influence oppositional meaning and identities. With the changing patterns of the organizational concepts, practices of resistance are evident on the ability of informed and well equipped actors into strategically handle and adapt available courses. These forms may involve the articulation of stability. Effective research is the resistance of efforts of dichotomizing control resistance associations portraying it as production of capitalist production level or the semantic expressions of unitary ideology. Kondo (1990), argues that has unintended consequences, what is viewed as resistance has unintended effects and can turn out to be collusive and apparent accommodation with potential of production of change. It is dynamic in the sense that it can have effects on aspect in organizations and have an extensive power in another organization. Hence with this post structuralism views, resistance can be assed as common feature in the life of organizations, thus there is ago ahead for exploiting resistance a important element in the complex dynamics of routine organization, (Bolton Laser, 2015) Conclusion With view of the perspectives employee resistance is a complex component which faces the management and the evolving organizations world wide. Change process is always diverse and the employees reaction to work has been viewed as an important facet in the in the efforts to bring change to the organization. A lot of resources have been deployed in handling this factor for achievement of the desired goals. The nature of protecting the status quo in the management hierarchies brings a c challenge factor which must be overcome. Overhauling of the management problems are required in tackling resistance in the work place. References Arvidsson, A. 2006. Brands: Meaning and value in media culture. London: Routledge. 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Power, control and resistance in the factory that time forgot.Journal of Management Studies,38, 1053-1078. Fantasia,R.1995. From Class Consciousness to Culture, Action, and Social Organization.Annual Review of Sociology,21:26987 Hodson,R.2001.Dignity at Work. New York: Cambridge University Press. Hyman,R.,1975.Industrial Relations: A Marxist Introduction. London: Macmillan. Kelly,J.2005. Labor Movements and Mobilization, in Stephen Ackroydet al.(eds.), Kondo, D. K. (1990).Crafting selves: Power, gender, and discourses of identity in a Japanese workplace. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Martin,A.W.2007. Organizational Structure, Authority and Protest: The Case of Union Martinez, A.D., Ferris, G.R., Moeller, M. and Harvey, M., 2015. Power in Organizations. The Foundations of Organizational Evil, p.105. Organizing in the United States,19902001. Social Forces,3:141335. Oxford Handbook of Work and Organization. Oxford: Oxford University Press Prasad, P., Prasad, A. (2000). 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Saturday, April 11, 2020

Term Paper Examples - Taking Advantage of Them

Term Paper Examples - Taking Advantage of ThemOne of the best things to look for when you are working on your term paper is a great selection of term paper examples. When you are looking for example, I recommend looking for an online encyclopedia that contains both complete term paper examples and also explanations of the rules and method used in completing your term paper. This will help you understand how the example would be used to write the actual paper.You can get hold of all these term paper examples from the University of Minnesota as part of their Online Class library. The examples are included in the course syllabus. Another option is to buy some and search through them on the Internet for the examples that you need. This is the easiest way of searching because you will find the resources you are looking for very easily.You will also find a lot of information in the online encyclopedia about the different types of paper and about the rules used in submitting your term paper . By understanding the rules you will be better prepared when writing your term paper.When you understand the rules, then you are in a better position to write and understand the example correctly. One tip is to look at the examples of past papers. Check out examples of previous papers that have been submitted and see how well they have been written.Writing a paper can sometimes be more difficult than actually doing it. It's important to prepare yourself before starting the process of writing. It's the same with examples.A good tip when preparing examples is to decide beforehand what type of example you will use. What does the example need to convey? Do you want to present a case study, describe an example or think about a certain aspect of a certain concept? All these factors play a part in deciding which example will suit your term paper.Finally, don't be afraid to ask for help when writing your paper. This means that if you need help in finding examples or want to revise your pap er, let someone know about it. If you are confident that you can do it, then find someone to help you.

Friday, April 3, 2020

The Honest to Goodness Truth on Samples of Show Dont Tell College Essay

The Honest to Goodness Truth on Samples of Show Don't Tell College Essay New Ideas Into Samples of Show Don't Tell College Essay Never Before Revealed For this reason, you ought not write as though the essay was about somebody else. There's not any reason to rush your essay. You might discover that hard to spell out in your essay, but that's the secret to stick out in the crowd. The kind of essay you're searching for will be offered to you within the deadline offered to you. If you would like to learn to compose an essay about yourself for college, consider the sample at You'll observe a similar structure in a lot of the essays. Look at our samples of descriptive essays to comprehend how to write them all on your own. Thus, you will know all that is required. They all are positive. As Citlalic awaits her beloved, she's informed by means of a liaison the way the tradition is going to be celebrated. It always appears to slip away. You know you must stick out in your college application essaybut it's vital that you stick out in a great way. It's crucial demonstrate your capacity to be a comprehensive observer of the Earth, since that will be one of your major jobs as a college student. Some undesirable topics show admissions officers which you don't have a fantastic awareness of judgment or maturity, which is a problem as they are building a category of college students who have in order to deal with independent life on ca mpus. Replace a number of the cliched language. Samples of Show Do N't Tell College Essay Options Keep in mind that there's great magic in details. I will be the contrarian. Each kid is going to have only a couple of minutes in the spotlight. Also, bear in mind that no college is eager to admit somebody who is too close-minded to gain from being taught by other people. What You Should Do to Find Out About Samples of Show Don't Tell College Essay Before You're Left Behind His whole professional life is just one of exemplary public support. My work has been a direct portion of our institution's expansion out of our province into the remainder of China. Secondly, we are a seasoned agency. There're a number of reasons why a student might want to get the absolute most out of this extra edge a superior essay services provides. Unfortunately, you'll be liable for any expenses incurred in return to sender parcels in the event the info you provided was inaccurate. Please be aware that in case the shipping address is incorrect and the order was shipped, based on the shipping option selected we might not be in a position to modify the shipping address until the order was returned. You will be given a secret letter card. Bring a merchandise found anywhere outside. What Is So Fascinating About Samples of Show Don't Tell College Essay? A good deal of digital ink was spilled through the years here at the Kibin blog on the topic of narrative essays. Bear in mind, no reader wishes to be lectured at. Furthermore, it's also boring for the reader. You don't never need to tell the reader you're superior or the greatest in any way if you're able to show them instead. But telling is good too, provided that it's the right type of telling. Writing your book introduction with an abundance of showing not telling is an effective means to draw readers in for the length of your whole book. At times, even when you're writing about an interesting, relevant subject, you are still able to look immature or unready for college life on account of the direction you present that topic the way you truly write your own personal statement. 1 easy way to prove your story is to use dialogue. Samples of Show Don't Tell College Essay Sometimes, deeper reflection can help you to find an even greater subject to write about than your very first impulse. If you're of Native American heritage, think of a trait your tribe values or valued before and then set a character into a situation to demonstrate that trait to readers. Regardless of what's the aim of your essay, there's a preset number of points which you will be expected to deal with. On the reverse side, don't b e hesitant to demonstrate your specific weaknesses, even your fears. Samples of Show Don't Tell College Essay Help! Such samples may help you to outline the paper and provide you with a couple suggestions about how to tell your story or which to pick. It's very valuable to take writing apart to be able to see just the way that it accomplishes its objectives. You will shortly locate the official data about us. You will see that each item page on the Web site comprises an estimated delivery date range for Saver Delivery, in addition to for Express Delivery if it's readily available for that item.

Monday, March 9, 2020

Essay Topics - How to Learn Them Better

Essay Topics - How to Learn Them BetterIf you are not well versed with essay topics, you will want to consider taking a course for it. There are a number of colleges that offer these courses. There are a number of ways to learn them. In this article, I will discuss a couple of ways.As of a few years ago, web-based instruction was relatively rare. However, today, it is becoming increasingly popular. Students have the ability to access and utilize content on the Internet for just about any class. Often, an instructor can present content in a different way. For example, some instructors may use a PowerPoint presentation to teach something. A student may see that and decide to learn that type of presentation.Online textbooks are also becoming quite popular. These books are free to access, and a student can download it to their computer. They can then access the information online. If they get stuck in their assignments, they can access the book and fix any problems they may have.Another way to learn essay topics is through a course instructor. A course instructor can help you gain experience helps you learn the material much better. You will be able to better apply the knowledge gained from your work. A course instructor will usually be there to answer any questions that you have. They will also be able to give you tips. The best part is that they will not cost you anything.Last, but not least, if you are extremely good at your subject, then you may want to try the e-book method. An e-book is basically a paperback book that is downloadable electronically. This e-book is going to allow you to access material on your computer and print it out.One great benefit to this is that you don't have to wait until the next day to write your assignment. You can print it out on the go. This makes it much easier to get that homework done.Overall, there are a lot of methods for learning essay topics. You should consider how to better apply the knowledge to your writing assignments . You may even discover new areas that you hadn't thought of before.

Sunday, January 26, 2020

The Upside to Gmat Essay Samples Free

The Upside to Gmat Essay Samples Free Gmat Essay Samples Free Ideas Choice (E) doesn't refer to pigeons that were bred by humans. You're NOT being requested to present your own views on the topic. Spend a couple of hours looking at sample essays to prevent any unnecessary mistakes. It's the standardized and computer based applications and the majority of the analysis centers are situated in the developed nations like the USA, UK and a lot more. Some schools ask you to also speak about why you're interested in their precise program, as part of the identical prompt. Go through as many English texts on a wide selection of topics as you can. The students may get education in any department, which they wish to study since there are a large selection of courses out there. While it might seem impressive at first, a full argument is often based on a few facts or statistics, like the fact an airline had the greatest on-time pace, or more graduates of a certain high school are likel y to college. It is very important to manage or budget your time to prevent difficulties in writing. Howard University is among the oldest universities in USA. Some students state their small business experience and other associated reasons they don't will need to submit a test score with the requirements. New Ideas Into Gmat Essay Samples Free Never Before Revealed By providing you the ideal tool to proofread my essay online for free you are supplied with a means to discover each of the mistakes that you commonly make in your writing. Pros And Cons Of Article Spinner (paraphrase online) If you want a text spinner, then you have to have considered its usefulness sooner or later. You can also get the official guides as a way to access a reasonable sum of practice materials. The main reason why a computer program is utilized in order to examine the essays is due to the simple fact it minimizes the human error and remains fair for each student. Gmat Essay Samples Free for Dum mies From time to time, it would be helpful if you'll only utilize laymans terms only in your document. Simply due to the sort of structure which might be involved in composing scientifically based documents. As a scientific term, you can want to undergo a procedure for research to understand precisely what the method involves. Use a regular small business letter tone to compose this application. While applying, you might experience that the application procedure can be taxing. You're able to find out more about how business schools will employ your AWA scores here. You are able to locate a thriving sample response here. Now you have the format for writing a GMAT waiver letter, here are a few easy strategies to create your letter seem flawless and acceptable. When reading, observe the next sample GMAT waiver. Details of Gmat Essay Samples Free As you might have already experienced, writing a persuasive paper can at times be difficult especially in case you have very little understanding about the subject of interest. It should get an introduction, a human body and then the conclusion. The submitted piece is evaluated as an unaffiliated argument essay on the aforementioned attributes. The essay template is contained in the analytical reasoning and at times in the verbal section. The cost of an essay depends upon the quantity of effort the writer has to exert. If there's a disparity of over 1 point between the 2 scores, a third reader will score the essay also. There's nothing particularly special with respect to how you'll be expected to compose your essays for any of the tests. If you get an obvious essay, readers will understand easily what you would like to tell. The GMAT essay format is extremely much like the other ones. There is an assortment of tips that may be followed in order to find the high scores from the GMAT essays. It isn't hard to write GMAT essay for those who have a guide and you've completed a good researched. If you understand what you will create GMAT essay, be sure you search the web and read more books. The essay will test the student wisdom and ability in answering the questions and analyzing the situation. The rating for your AWA essay is going to be displayed under the button. Simple mistakes in your writing will significantly harm your last scores which is something you won't want if you're to compete in your admissions. Poor writing will, obviously, result in lower than required grades and this is particularly true for a lot of the standardized tests you take. Though even the ideal essay checker software cannot match the truth of the official test, it's still a great way to understand where you stand. Used correctly the tool will let you find the mistakes that you commonly make within your writing so you become more mindful of them. Utilizing an essay grammar checker online free is 1 approach that will help you to enhance your grades. The tool checks for over 400 issues with your grammar along with checking your punctuation, spelling and a lot more.